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writer, photographer and traveler
About Me

About Me

9 countries, 30 days. They check my name on the ticket and they continue down the line. Deja vu begins to set in as all the trains combine into one long moving truck I never got off of. I wonder deliriously what my name must mean to them: another seat filled, another box checked. I try and make light conversation with each of them to remind them that I'm human. Even though I hunch in this chair, sleep deprived and hungry for home, I can make magic happen in dull moments. Moments sometimes need our help and our effort especially when the days are long and the air is thick with mundane. My mind walks down another road. Where do I fit in the vast darkness of each part of this world and what could I create for it? What could I create for you?

Work Experience

Work Experience

Mohawk College Agency

Worked as a copywriter writing headlines and content for advertisements for non for profit organizations.


Interned as a Copywriter and blogger, writing articles about my traveling experiences and traveling tips for everyone.

Planet Blue Adventure

Wrote blog posts and reviews on meals, hotels, and experiences from around the world.



Mohawk College

Advertising and Marketing Communications Advanced Diploma
Contact Me

Contact Me

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